Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Organic Market in Mexico

Did you know that 85% of Mexico's organic produce is exported to the United States and other countries?

Here are some interesting facts about Mexico's organic market:

-General public in Mexico does not understand the benefits or value of organic products yet

-A few years ago, organic farmers markets started popping up, mostly in southern states like Chiapas, Oaxaca, Veracruz

-Mexico leads the world in export of organic coffee, honey, and agave syrup

-Sales of organic products in supermarkets and department stores grew 20% last year in Mexico

-Aserca and Sagarpa (Mexican govt agencies) are pushing for higher organic consumption in Mexico

-Mexican schools recently banned the sale of junk food
What will it take to increase consumption of organic food in Mexico?  Education, education, education!  Consumers need to be educated on the benefits of organic produce and other organic food.  Once they are educated as to the benefits of organic food, they will be more likely to try it.  Price is also a factor.  In a country where Coca-Cola is cheaper than bottled water, producers, government agencies, and retailers will have to work together to make organic food more accessibly priced. 

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