Friday, July 23, 2010

Off Topic: Mexico Road Trip

I recently took a road trip through the Mexican states of Sonora, Sinaloa, Nayarit and ended in Jalisco.  I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to meet people and see places that not many people get to see. 

I crossed the border at Nogales, Sonora and proceeded down to Hermosillo, Sonora.  Hermosillo is the state capital and home to some of the most beautiful sunsets (example below) and best steak I've ever eaten.  The people of Sonora are some of the friendliest I've encountered. 

As I traveled down Sonora, I passed through towns like Guaymas - a beach town in the middle of the desert, Ciudad Obregon, and Navojoa.  I picked up some coyotas (Mexican pastries from the north) and flour tortillas along the way.

Sinaloa is famous for agriculture (tomatoes!) and its seafood.  One of my favorite parts was visiting Mazatlan.  Check out this sunset...

The Mexican government has done a wonderful job of improving its roads.  In honor of Mexico's bicentinneal this year (Independence from Spain in 1810) and the 100th anniversary of the Mexican revolution, Mexico has created what they call "Ruta 2010".  There are markers along the toll roads that show you are on the historical route, which highlights important monuments from the revolution and other important sites.

For more info on the Ruta 2010 click here (in English)

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